Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The first post: why?

I'm sure I'll come back to this question many times. But a conversation a few months ago with a great friend included the idea of posting "lessons" online in some kind of blog. I dismissed the thought quickly, perhaps too quickly, concluding I had nothing to teach anyone. But as I thought more and more about it, I realized the error of the arrogance of that hasty assessment. We learn lessons from strangers, from casual acquaintances, from newspapers, from TV shows, from current events, from pop culture, from politicians, from movies, from songs, from food, from families, and from all experiences. So who am I to say that nobody can learn anything from me and a silly little addition to the world wide blogosphere? And perhaps more importantly (and admittedly more selfishly), I will probably learn more from doing this than you might from reading this. Maybe that's the now unhidden/named agenda in these online explorations of mine. So here goes...

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