Sunday, May 30, 2010

Prince Of Persia: The Sands Of Tme (Movie Review)

Summer Fluff In A Sandstorm

I had low expectations for this movie, knowing it was a Disney-produced action movie, but it was lackluster even by summer adventure blockbuster standards. The effects were OK, the action sequences were all too familiar, there was no real plot or romance, and some of the best sequences seemed lifted right out of an "Indiana Jones" movie. There were a few clever lines that the adult chaperones in the audience would appreciate (allusions to the U.S. in the Middle East and no weapons of mass destruction - that sort of thing), but overall, it was just a nice easy way to kick off the summer movie season with two hours of nothing serious. Unfortunately, that includes nothing seriously memorable: not even Jake Gyllenhaal's obviously worked out shoulders and arms. It's OK if you pass on this one: I'm sure some semblance of it will appear in a Disney theme park (or parade) near you soon.

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