Friday, March 25, 2011

My In-Between Week

I had 10 days back in St. Louis between two annual conferences, what a crazy week it was: weather fluctuated from sunny skies and daytime highs of 78, to snow flurries and overnight lows of 31; I fought to recover from an awful 36 hours of food poisoning (or post-travel yuckies); and I felt like three weeks of tasks at work had been compressed into one. But I did my best to make it all worthwhile.

My first time eating a full meal at a restaurant counter inside a grocery store (thanks, Melanie, for introducing me to the "upscale" Schnucks) - thankfully, my appetite was back!

Even the lighting at the coffee bar in this Schnucks was cute.

At the Missouri History Museum...

...Taking in some of the great exhibits before the main event...

...Getting VIP treatment in the audience (it helps knowing the right people!)...

Hearing Rebecca Skloot, author of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, a great work of science writing that is about so much more than just science, and getting my copy personalized. (Thanks, Melanie, again!)
Yoga class, work tasks getting done, laundry done and the bags are packed for another conference trip: checking off that list and getting it done. It's been a good in-between week!

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