Friday, October 16, 2009

Crazy Friday

Just taking a break to scan headline news, and I'm concerned at where we are in the world.

The Falcon Heene hoax (the scared father called a news station first to request a helicopter trace - does anyone know a local news station phone number and is it easier to dial than "9-1-1?"): what does this say about the urgency and the eventual inquisitiveness of news today?

And even with President Obama in the White House, we still have this madness going on. No wonder we can't get moving on same-sex marriage equality. The basic concept of "marriage equality" still hasn't been defined correctly!

And then we have food and car recalls, drug cartels dumping decapitated bodies, car bombs and terrorist groups...

Makes me just want to go "Where The Wild Things Are" and have myself a rumpus!

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