Friday, October 16, 2009

Theatre Rules

Yes, indeed. If you know me, then you must know my history and love of all things theater. (I'll have to post about my "Broadway Blitzes" some other time.) So I do think that "theater rules!" (, dude). But I am also amazed at how clueless so many continue to be about social etiquette, especially on nights out.

At the Symphony last night. Why did so many people still have communication devices turned on to text and talk (talk!) after entering the building and walking past multiple signs saying to turn them off, after the announcement to turn all such devices off, after the house lights dimmed, and (unbelievably) even after the guest conductor, Itzhak Perlman, walked onto the stage. Many audience members were clearly frustrated and disappointed to see glowing squares and rectangles of light all around them and hearing tapping and whispering - that's not what they bought tickets to experience.

So that inspired me to start posting some "Social Rules" that I guess are really wishes. Does anyone know how to calculate and achieve the critical mass needed to get to a Malcolm Gladwell tipping point in the popular consciousness about how to live in shared space with the rest of the world?

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